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Thought leadership 24 Mar, 2021, 11:00 - 12:00

Make millennials fall in love with your Dynamics 365 solution

When you plan the onboarding of your users, how do you ensure that all your employees are engaged? Research shows that different generations have very different learning needs.

The Millennial generation has grown up in a time of great technological change, globalization, and economic disruption and this has shaped their behavior, priorities, and expectations.

With this generation spanning the age range of 24-39 and constituting the largest living generation in the U.S. with over 83 million people, this audience is not one you should overlook if you want to ensure the success of your implementation projects.

In this webinar, we will look at some of the characteristics of this group,what this means in terms of learning,  and what you can do to ensure their engagement.

Hosted & presented by

Brian Ambrosius

Brian Ambrosius

Country Manager Australia/New Zealand
Christine Eltz

Christine Eltz

Senior Customer Solution Architect
Alina Oprean

Alina Oprean

Account Manager